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Syed Zeeshan Ali Naqvi 2015 - 06.Is Alam Ki - Urdu

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By Syed Zeeshan Ali Naqvi Posted about 8 years ago
Zeeshan_Naqvi profile photo
Total Series: 10    Series Views: 16604

Uploads In Nohay Series - Syed Zeeshan Ali Naqvi 2015

5,441 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
01.Allah Mere Allah Teri Raza Pe Razi Hun Download mp3 (2.3MB)
1,295 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
02.Ba Biradr Rafte Budam Download mp3 (1.2MB)
1,123 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
03.Bazar De Wich Download mp3 (1.7MB)
1,169 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
04.Goong Rahi Hay Download mp3 (1.7MB)
1,130 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
05.Heran Thiya Arshi Download mp3 (1.4MB)
1,154 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
06.Is Alam Ki Download mp3 (1.2MB)
1,113 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
07.Kajan Maf Download mp3 (1.7MB)
1,580 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
08.Kawe Khoon Roke Qaidi Imam Download mp3 (1.1MB)
1,327 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
09.Muhnja mola Download mp3 (1.2MB)
1,299 views     Added: Wed 28, Oct 2015     8 years ago
10.Sham Diyan Ne Galyan nana Download mp3 (1.7MB)
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